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Messages - bdrockford

ERRORES/BUGS / How to switch off POIs
July 22, 2019, 08:12:16 AM

I use OruxMaps 7.4.22.

Its not a bug, im reporting, more a question for Howtos.

I love to use the POI feature. POI-files come with OpenAndroMaps and are really useful.

My question ist: if I have done my work with the shown POIs, how could I delete them from the map again.

There is one way I 've found: delete der KML-overlays, but what, if I have opened more than one KML overlay?

Or  I want to switch of only one single POI group (POI search result), not all of them.

Nearby: is there a way, to save such an KML-Layer and give it a name for later use?

Thank you a lot for that great peace of software,

Yours, Wolfgang