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Messages - Lenz

BETAS / segments of tracks can't be deleted
February 05, 2025, 05:33:06 PM
Hi Orux,

In beta 11 segments of tracks cannot be deleted in the trackmanager. Both possibilities do not work (tap on a segment and choose 'delete segment'; select one or more segments - burger menu - 'delete selected segments') -> nothing happens, nothing is deleted.

It works fine in 10.7.4 GP.
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
December 30, 2024, 12:10:36 AM
Hello Mandrake70,
you can change the paths of your GP version in 'global settings' - 'app storage' so that they point to the equivalent folders in 'android/media/com.orux.oruxmapsbeta/oruxmaps'. Be sure you granted OM GP access to all files.
I have been using the same data resources for both GP and beta for a long time without any problems but I made backups of important data regularely. If you have already experienced data loss it's even more important to backup.

Sad but true: with the release of OM 11 GP the posibility described above will be history due to Google's Play Store policy.

Best regards & a happy new year to Orux, his supporters and all OM users
Quote from: Lenz on November 22, 2024, 05:53:02 PMHi Tronpo,
I can reproduce it using this (maybe unusual) method:
  • I create a waypoint and add a photo from the camera folder -> OM copies the image into its picture folder
  • I realize that the position is wrong and delete the waypoint
  • I create a new waypoint and add the copy (from the OM picture folder) of the original photo -> I get a 0 byte file

This only happens when a photo already belonged to a waypoint.

After some testing and with the help of Tronpo here's the solution:
The problem only occurs when I select the photo with the app Simple Gallery Pro. When I select it via my phone's native file manager or CX File Explorer, everything is OK.
I didn't do any testing with other gallery or file manager apps, so I don't know how they work.
Hi Tronpo,
I can reproduce it using this (maybe unusual) method:
  • I create a waypoint and add a photo from the camera folder -> OM copies the image into its picture folder
  • I realize that the position is wrong and delete the waypoint
  • I create a new waypoint and add the copy (from the OM picture folder) of the original photo -> I get a 0 byte file

This only happens when a photo already belonged to a waypoint.
Hi Tronpo,
thanks for your note on the bug correction. It works perfectly now when you create a waypoint and add a photo to it. It doesn't work when you have a waypoint with a photo and move the waypoint on the map - but probably that was not intended. Nevertheless a great feature.

Can you confirm that creating a waypoint and adding a photo from the OM pictures folder destroys this photo (the result is a 0 byte file)?

Best regards

Oh ... I'm a bit disappointed that OM can't georeference urinals ... but I love the phone's auto correction ... at least when I'm not it's victim ;)
Quote from: Tronpo on November 22, 2024, 07:30:09 AM[...] the photos added to a waypoint are georeferenced, not the urinal but the copy that is generated in OruxMaps / pictures.
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
November 22, 2024, 03:48:47 PM
Quote from: Tronpo on November 20, 2024, 09:20:37 PMHi Martin, brouter errors have easy solution, orux has much of the work done, only the last big step remains, the total integration of brouter in OruxMaps !! Grapphhoper offline is no longer there, it has the slot available and our beloved planner does not have to miss these wonderful advances that you have commented on.

Put your "legend " folder in the maptyles folder on Android media, and you're good to browse


Hi Tronpo,
thanks for your quick reply.
I'm looking forward to the full brouter integration.

I've already copied my (now) two legends folders into the mapstyles/mapfiles directory. I've just reported the behavior of OM not being able to browse other folders within android/media/com.orux.oruxmapsbeta in search of legends. I think this should be possible even with Google's restrictions. (Background: I used to have one folder for both 'theme legends' for vector maps and 'map legends' for raster maps.)

Best regards
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
November 20, 2024, 05:58:46 PM
Hello Orux,
it is really annoying that Google's restrictions again and again cause problems for users and developers. So first of all I thank you for struggling with these inconveniences in order to provide this great app.

Now my first impressions (of course with the first problems):

The migration to the media folder worked well. I support Tronpo's suggestion to inform the users that the files are copied and not moved.

With bRouter I found two issues:
  • OM isn't able to load the updates ('Error, OruxMaps can't write in that directory!') - which should be a logical consequence of not beeing able to use other folders.
  • The route planner doesn't show all brouter profiles - probably the same reason.

And another problem with the path to the legends:
I collected all my legends in a folder called 'legends' in the OM folder. Now I moved this folder to the private folder but in OM I can only choose files within the mapfiles or mapstyles folder and not navigate to my legends folder.

Best regards
I've just tried geotagging photos with 10.7.4 GP and 10.8.0 beta 3 on my old Xiaomi Redmi 4x (Android 7, MIUI 11) and it didn't work with neither of the two versions.
Quote from: Tronpo on November 08, 2024, 05:16:36 AMFor the issue of unprepared downloading, there is also another option, it is to download an area based on a track loaded on the screen.

This is a feature I already know. But I think this is intended for downloading maps for smaller areas because when you select e.g. a bigger region or even a whole country, the map lacks of higher zoom levels. I would prefer to have the option to chose the zoom levels (and see the size of the map before creation) just like in the map creator.

Best regards and thank you very much for your help
Quote from: Tronpo on November 08, 2024, 05:16:36 AMGeo tagging photos is possible with oruxmaps for some time now.
Just check the boxes in the waypoint settings > extension.

Hello Tronpo,
thanks a lot for your quick reply.
Indeed the options for geotagging photos is a feature i haven't realized up to your hint ... but it doesn't work for me.

What I have tried so far:
created a waypoint - added a photo without geotag -> neither the original photo nor the copy OM creates in the pictures folder has geo information stored in its metadata

'import waypoints from external sources' - loaded photo with wrong position as waypoint - corrected position in the map -> the position in the metadata of the original image is not changed

The settings are set as you described. I tried it with 10.7.4 GP and 10.8.0 beta 3 on a Pixel 4a with Android 13. Did you succeed in changing a picture's geotag?
Hello Orux,
I'm sure you don't suffer from a lack of ideas for Oruxmaps but maybe you'll find my suggestions useful:

Possibility to geotag photos:
Sometimes the position stored in photos is wrong (e.g. due to a weak GPS signal) or there is no position stored in a picture's metadata.
In OM you can create waypoints from geotagged photos or add pictures to waypoints. I think it could be useful to write the position of the waypoint to the photo's metadata or maybe even better to have the possibility to save a copy of the picture with the coordinates of the waypoint (so the original picture will not be changed).

Creating offline maps within a border (track, imported gpx or kml)
Now it's possible to create offline maps within a rectangle (which is forgotten after the creation process) or along a path.
The function to create an offline map with a track as border makes it easier to create either maps for exactly the same region from different sources or to create an updated map when the source is updated.

Thank you for your great App
Servus Martin,

Werden (1) alle Miniaturansichten im Querformat angezeigt oder (2) die Fotos im Vollbild in einem externen Bildbetrachter? Wenn 1 (passiert bei mir nicht), könnte es sein, dass deine Kamera die Orientierung falsch in den Metadaten speichert. Wenn 2, könnte es entweder ebenfalls an den Metadaten oder aber an den Einstellungen deines Bildbetrachters (welche App das auch immer ist) liegen. Eventuell gibt es in dieser App eine Einstellung "Bilder automatisch drehen" oder ähnliches.

Eigene Ordner für Wegpunkte:
Im Wegpunktmanager kannst du mit dem Pluszeichen rechts oben eigene Ordner anlegen. Danach markierst du alle Punkte, die da rein sollen und verschiebst sie in den Ordner (Burgermenü links unten - grundlegende Änderungen - Ordner).

Zuordnung zu Track:
Die Zuordnung hatte ich im ersten Post schon beschrieben (Wegpunkte auswählen - Burgermenü links unten - grundlegende Änderungen - Track-Zugehörigkeit - Track, dem die Bilder zugeordnet werden sollen, auswählen - OK)

Export mit Bildern:
Im Trackmanager Track auswählen - Burgermenü links unten - in eine Datei exportieren - Format wählen; kmz (Google-Earth, können aber auch viele andere Programme öffnen)
Die kmz-Datei findest du im Ordner Tracklogs im Oruxmaps-Ordner. Du kannst auch "mit Hilfe einer externen App teilen" und kmz wählen, wenn du die Datei gleich weiterleiten willst.
Bei einigen hundert Bildern dürfte die Datei in Abhängigkeit der Fotoauflösung allerdings ziemlich groß ausfallen. Ob das problemlos geht, musst du ausprobieren.

Viele Erfolg

Als Tipp für weitere Fragen:
Es ist meist hilfreich, die App-Version, die Androidversion und - wie hier - weitere verwendete Programme (Bildbetrachter) abzugeben, da sich unterschiedliche Versionen oft unterschiedlich verhalten oder zu bedienen sind.
Hello Orux,
maybe you could add a bigger preview for images which are connected to waypoints in the information window that is opened when you click on a waypoint.

Best regards
BETAS / Re: New beta 10.8.x
November 03, 2024, 12:50:28 AM
Quote from: Tronpo on November 02, 2024, 03:17:12 PMYour request is quite interesting and of general interest, at least also for me.

I agree, this information would be very useful. But i'd rather see it in the map manager than in the map.

Best regards
Servus Martin,
sowohl mit der aktuellen 10.7.4 GP als auch mit der 10.8.0 beta 3 kannst du mehrere Bilder auf einmal importieren:
Wegpunkte verwalten - Burgermenü links unten - Wegpunkte aus externer Quelle importieren - Bilder auswählen - OK - warten, da der Import von mehreren hundert Bildern sicher einige Zeit dauert (ich hab's mir mit ca. 30 Bildern probiert und es dauert ein bisschen)

Nach dem Import wählst du alle Wegpunkte aus - Burgermenü links unten - grundlegende Änderungen - Track-Zugehörigkeit - Track, dem die Bilder zugeordnet werden sollen, auswählen - OK

In der Karte kannst du jetzt die Miniaturansicht eines Bildes anklicken, dann den eingeblendeten Namen des Punktes und dann im eingeblendeten Eigenschaftenfenster den Namen des Bildes (mit dem Kamerasymbol davor). Das Foto wird von einer externen App angezeigt.

Viele Grüße
Martin (noch so einer)