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Messages - Stefanzio

ERRORES/BUGS / Elevation gain error
August 18, 2019, 10:50:55 AM
Hi, I've read a lot of threads about this argument, but my problem might be slightly different.

I use to plan my trips witch BRouter, so without using GPS or anything (just my 1" dem files I suppose). The thing is that the elevation profile that I obtain is often quite incorrect. Especially when it goes for the max altitudes.

I can't understand why though. If the altitude data I have on map are correct, shouldn't be correct the planned track data too?

I mean, for example, I plan a hike from A to B. On map it says (correctly) that A = 1700m high and B = 2800m high.

Than I use brouter, and the route stats gives like A=1700m, B=2700m.

So, the starting point is usually correct, or with errors of some meters, but the last point gives errors of around 5% - 10%.

I would understand that if I used GPS for my tacking, but in this case I'd like to know if this is just normal or it could be solved.