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Messages - hans1

Of cause each of the sensors, including GPS was activated. And obviously these data were also accessable to Oruxmaps, as they were stored correctly during monitoring of the track i had run. And also the position was correctly shown with the red arrow all the time.
They just do not appear as numbers in the bottom of the map in the textfield, shown in the figure.
The background of this textbox is set to semi transparent.
Also this behaviour was not observed in older versions I had used previously.

best regards Hans
The version is Oruxmaps v. 10.7.4 GP

In the bottom You see the symbols without any data added.
Hi all

a strange problem:

In the dashboard the display of all parameters lack data contents.
But the data are available and are collected, as they are correctly monitored and stored in the track-file and can be seen after the end of tracking.

Why don't they fill the dashboard. What can be done to make the fill the dashboard with realtime data?

Best regards Hans
I now have the newest version 10.7.... of Oruxmaps. And I have looked around a lot of time, but now I do not find, how to import a GPS-route into my map?

In older times, this was found in the top menu under Routing-Tools/load KML-GPX-Route.
Where can I find it in the new version?

Please give some detail, where to start and how to continue. I have the GPX-data in my Downloads folder. How to import this fps-file?

Best regards
Hi all ...
Is the installation of 2 different Oruxversion on one device at the same time possible?
Where in the storage will they be placed? Can they share the same maps?
best regards
I'm a bit puzzled about the shape of the velocity curve displayed, when I call track statitics.

I put the Samsung S9 smartphone (Android 10) into my car, started ORUXMAP's tracking and drove a highway at constant velocity of 50km/h using the electronic speed control for more than 10km. During this trip,  I continuously checked the measured speed not only with my car's tachometer but also digital numbers displayed by ORUXMAP's Trip-Computer.  The speed was verified by both tools to be continuous in a range of 50,0 +-0,5km/h.

  • At the end of the trip I looked at the stored route's statistics, splitting the trip into a big number of segments. The table confirmed, that I never left the speed range of 50,0 +-0,5km/h. So far no surprise.

  • !! But activating the graphics displaying the speed. I saw a curve undulating between 48km/h and 57km/h. !!

So I'm a bit puzzled, what happens to the speed data at their transformation into the graphic display? (Is there some postprocessing applied to the data (like smoothing) to generate the plot, behaving crazily)

Anybody out there, who ever checked the graphic display for correctness and precision?

(I did this check, because I had been puzzled by the graphic display of my speed during running, where I couldn't believe my speed was varying so much up and down during a long run)
GENERAL / Re: external GPS WiFi & AIS
March 17, 2021, 01:22:22 AM
I never tried it..... a but I guess it should work, as long as You are able to estabish a stable IP-connection.
Are You trying to install an AIS onto a drone and track its path on Your smartphone?
It therefore might be desireable if Oruxmaps might additionally offer the option of a low pass filter for the time series to smooth the function and elaborate the true horizontal velocity of running.
OK, after some research I got a general information about GPS velocity measurement.
A velocity information is provided by the GPS.chip of the smartphone. It has a typical  accuracy of about 0,2-0,5 m/s. It is not derived from the distance of two positions devided by the time span of the measurement but it is derived from the bias of frequencies caused by the Doppler effect of movement to frequencies.
So .... if Oruxmaps just reads this velocity information from the GPS chip of the smartphone, this information cannot be modified by extending the timespan. It is always an immediate computation for the moment of one measurement.

So .... I guess the noisy velocity information of my smartphone during running (+/-0,25m/s = 1km/h), displayed by Oruxmaps might be statistical noise or also might be the true representation of the real changes of my velocity while being in the moment of accelerating by unbending my leg in the phase of jumping upwards and the lower velocity in the moment of bending my knee after landing after the jump and decelerating before the next jump .... may be??
GENERAL / Re: Velocity
March 17, 2021, 01:07:31 AM
OK, after some research I got a general information about GPS velocity measurement.
A velocity information is provided by the GPS.chip of the smartphone. It has a typical  accuracy of about 0,2-0,5 m/s. It is not derived from the distance of two positions devided by the time span of the measurement but it is derived from the bias of frequencies caused by the Doppler effect of movement to frequencies.
So .... if Oruxmaps just reads this velocity information from the GPS chip of the smartphone, this information cannot be modified by extending the timespan. It is always an immediate computation for the moment of one measurement.

So .... I guess the noisy velocity information of my smartphone during running (+/-0,25m/s = 1km/h), displayed by Oruxmaps might be statistical noise or it might be the true representation of the real changes of my velocity while being in the moment of accelerating by unbending my leg in the phase of jumping upwards and the lower velocity in the moment of bending my knee after landing after the jump and decelerating before the next jump .... may be??
GENERAL / Velocity
March 16, 2021, 07:58:33 PM

Does anybody know the way Oruxmaps computes the velocities?

I guess, it is the distance between two positions divided by the time interval between the two position fixes.

My question is, how is this time interval defined?
In the GPS settings I can only set the time interval, defining the minimum time gap between two positions to be stored. But that might not be the time interval used to compute the velocity.
Probably there is another time interval used for velocity computing. Can that be modified?
After tracking a trip, positions, velocities stored also.
Opening a track through the Statistics button, velocities can be displayed as a table at adjustable distance averages and as a plotted line in a graph.

The positions look perfect. And if I stand at one spot for some time, position data slowly and continuously drift in an area of about 5m diameter.

What I find is, that the calculated velocity data in the line-plot are quiet noisy. I.e. running at a continuous speed of 10km/s generates a plot displaying deviation of +/- up to 2km/h, changing within a second.  That doesn't improve if I change the GPS-time interval oder GPS-distance interval for storing the data. As the modification of these intervals lenghts doesn't make a difference, I guess the velocities are not calculated basing on the time to distance ratio of successing stored locations.
So there are some questions arising from this:
  >> How is the velocity computed
  >> Is there an option in OruxMaps to smooth/filter/average velocity data, to improve the readability of the velocity-plot ?
  >> Does anybody else observe these scattering of velocities?
  >> In case OruxMaps cannot provide smoothed data, are there tools around to do so?

Further: The axis-scale of the line plots would be better readable if I could change the text height.

I'm using OruxMaps 7.4.22 at an Android 10 Smartphone.
Thank You Matt,

for this perfectly helpful answer.
I'm still not confident with the nomenclature and didn't identify the routing signs as waypoints. Now I learned, that a route is a sequence of waypoints.

May be You can teach me a bit more:
What is the strategy, in which case a waypoint is created by BRouter? My observation: While following a street, which is perfectly linear, at a few crossings there are waypoints telling to continue straight while at other crossings there is no hint like that. Sometimes I get signs like that at each crossing and at other places there is no waypoint for many kilometers.

best regards
Oruxmaps 7.4.22 + BRouter

After using Brouter to create a route, i get this route with lots of signs like (turn right, turn left) included into the map.
I would prefer to exclude these information and just get the dashed colored trackline displayed without these pictograms included. How can I avoid them? I found how activate distance marks, but not how deactivate these rouing signs.
Any idea?

best regards

I still have the same problem. Meanwhile I'm using Oruxmaps v.7.4.22. Further I use Android 7.1 as Lineage 14.1.2. On a Samsung S3 smartphone. And I put Oruxmaps on the list not treated by the energysaver ...  

It helps a bit, when I load an other App like GPSFix to prevent GPS signal being killed before I start Oruxmaps. Then I found the track still being recorded even if the screen was switched off. But if the screen was swithched off for a longer time span, I found the track which I had seen correctly displayed in Oruxmaps, suddenly was replaced by a line between start and the point, where I switched the screen on after the long while. So finally a very curtailed track not displaying my track was stored.

I had no problem in previous times, when I was using Android 4.3 on the very same phone. Then Oruxmaps and its tracking was working very well.

It seems, that the newer versions of Android have a fatal way of cutting processes even if battery saver mode is switched OFF.

Apps like GPXfix seem to overcome this problem to some degree - may be similar efforts in Oruxmaps might help as well ???

But finally the originally well recorded track - even with Screen switched off - finally was not stored but instead a curtailed remnant of it.

Are there any other Ideas or solutions around ?
