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Messages - bdc62

GENERAL / Re: Install again after phone scratch
February 11, 2020, 10:05:51 PM
This solved my problem :

Reinstall apps on your Android device from your computer
You can reinstall or turn on apps on your Android device from your computer.

On your computer, open
Click Apps and then My apps.
Click the app you want to install or turn on.
Click Install, Installed, or Enable. You may need to sign in to your Google Account.
Choose your device and click Install.
GENERAL / Re: Install again after phone scratch
February 08, 2020, 09:37:09 PM
Yes, it's about OruxMaps itself.
And no, It is not installed on the device yet since I had to scratch him to factory settings to solve a problem with... Google Play Service...
See what happens on the little movie below

thx for your advice
GENERAL / Re: Install again after phone scratch
February 01, 2020, 10:10:46 AM
In Dutch, it just says "Je hebt dit item al aangeschaft"
(You have already purchased this item)

and I can only press "OK"
which brings me back to the page with the instaal-button
I can't capture the error itself
GENERAL / Install again after phone scratch
January 30, 2020, 10:17:25 PM

I had a paid version of OruxMaps on my Android phone.
The phone needed to be reinstalled from scratch.
Now I go to Google Play, and start installation.
It mentions that the item is already bought, but I can't install it.
What is the next step?
