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GENERAL / Re: Suivre un coureur depuis m...
Last post by Tronpo - March 28, 2025, 12:12:54 PM
Hi, you can use shared track for this. It would be with two mobiles with oruxmaps.
You can translate the blog with your browser.
Another option is to use the live map of sicami
Your child with your mobile phone and oruxmaps and you with your mobile and sicami

Salutations, j'espère que ma réponse n'est pas en retard
GENERAL / Suivre un coureur depuis mon t...
Last post by Guy85 - March 26, 2025, 06:31:23 PM
il y a une samedi et dimanche prochains des courses Trails (les galopades Tranchaises).
Mon fils y participe.

Je souhaiterais savoir si je pouvais suivre sa couse en direct depuis mon téléphone ?
Si oui, quels sont les paramètres à faire ?


There are trail races next Saturday and Sunday (the Galopades Tranchaises).
My son is participating.

I would like to know if I can follow his race live from my phone?
If so, what settings do I need to configure?


ERRORES/BUGS / Can't import maps
Last post by Maki - March 23, 2025, 07:50:39 AM

I reinstalled OM from scratch on a clean phone, then tried to import a map.
First I tried tapping it in a file manager and chose OM to open the file. The progress bar stays there forever and the app hangs, I had to kill it.
Then I tried with the internal import function and got the same result.

The file was around 2GB. A 300MB one worked but took quite a bit of time, compared to the time it takes to copy the same file with SolidExplorer.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Transparency Issue with Ro...
Last post by G_flow - March 22, 2025, 12:10:14 PM
Thank you for your help!
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: The Winter 2024/25 edition...
Last post by MBe57 - March 19, 2025, 10:46:57 AM
March update: Release notes 202501-V2
- The complete OAM background for ZL 8 and above is now based on Christian's March 2025 OAM vector maps release.
- Restricted areas (shoot first, ask later - they can be bigger than small states in some places) are now included from ZL 8 onwards (in Europe from ZL 10 for now, waiting for next round of vector map generation).
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Transparency Issue with Ro...
Last post by Tronpo - March 18, 2025, 11:04:51 AM
I know, currently the closest thing to what you are looking for is to hide route  , you can see it in route settings
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Transparency Issue with Ro...
Last post by G_flow - March 17, 2025, 09:03:58 PM
Quote from: Tronpo on March 15, 2025, 04:17:03 PMI know, is what I was telling you, if instead of loading it as a "path" you load it as a layer, if you will see the transparency.
Thanks it's working, but it seems I cannot follow a layer, like I follow a route. So I cannot see the kilometers, or my progress.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Transparency Issue with Ro...
Last post by Tronpo - March 15, 2025, 04:17:03 PM
I know, is what I was telling you, if instead of loading it as a "path" you load it as a layer, if you will see the transparency.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Transparency Issue with Ro...
Last post by G_flow - March 15, 2025, 12:22:57 PM
Thank you, Tronpo! When I use the non-solid path line (the one with arrows), there isn't a problem.
My problem is when I'd like to see the solid line, but to make it a bit transparent, so I can see the background (The type of road for example, a dirt road or a road). That worked for me in the past, but suddenly it stopped. The line cannot get any transparency, you can see in the video  :) 
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Export track
Last post by kkolesar - March 14, 2025, 09:05:51 AM
Quote from: Tronpo on March 11, 2025, 01:48:34 PMHello, I did several tests and everything worked well, always export the gpx file.
Android 11 Oppo A9 2020

thnx for info.

i expected something like that, becouse it is really strange behavior ... in some conditions something is happened that gpx is not formed. I'll keep an eye out and try to figure out in what case this happens.