Edit uploaded tracks on OruxMaps server

Started by jonny-blue, February 15, 2015, 07:39:21 PM

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QuoteUpload tracks to OruxMaps servers (including your photos)--Track list, select a track, then

'Upload to OruxMaps servers'. Requires a loged user.

Hi Orux,

is there a way to edit the uploaded tracks (to change the name, difficulty ... and to upload some photos) ?

Is there maybe an existing website to do this?


Quote from: "jonny-blue"
QuoteUpload tracks to OruxMaps servers (including your photos)--Track list, select a track, then

'Upload to OruxMaps servers'. Requires a loged user.

Hi Orux,

is there a way to edit the uploaded tracks (to change the name, difficulty ... and to upload some photos) ?

Is there maybe an existing website to do this?


Not yet; but it will be possible in a future version.



Will you make the protocol open and add the option to specify a custom hostname for the server?

I would like to offer te same functionality in my Trackserver wordpress plugin.

