OruxMaps in the world of science

Started by Yaroslav, April 18, 2020, 11:09:51 AM

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I decided to check how OruxMaps is used for field studies within the scientific community. To do it I went through Google Scolar and Scopus databases. So I collected a list of scientific and near-scientific papers that refer to OruxMaps. In some of them it's just briefly mentioned but in others it's highlighted in details. The most scientifically reliable article from this list is Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) habitat surveillance by android mobile devices in Guangzhou, China (2016), published in the authoritative journal Insects, one of the top world journals on this topic. Let's post other relevant papers in this thread, if you find them!

By the way, below I attach a chart of the worldwide popularity of the search therm "OruxMaps" over the years, according to Google Trends.