ANT+ seems to be getting twisted

Started by coopso, March 11, 2014, 12:33:27 PM

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Sony Xperia Z1 stock firmware (based on Android 4.3).

Garmin soft strap HRM.

I find that when I start ANT+ in oruxmaps sometimes it connects to my HRM without any issue, but then crashes later or sometimes it doesn't connect at all.

I also find that if it has connected by then I stop ANT+ in oruxmaps and then start again, it never connects to my HRM.

The fix in both cases is to stop ANT+ via oruxmaps, toggle off bluetooth and then start ANT+ again in oruxmaps. Works 100% of the time, guaranteed.

When I am experiencing the issue connecting to the HRM, if I have toggled on the Developer Option "Show all ANRs", I am getting ANRs from the ANT radio service.

When I am experiencing the issue connecting to the HRM, if I do not stop ANT+ in oruxmaps and toggle off bluetooth, bluetooth is restarted. I cannot understand why bluetooth is seemingly being activated by ANT+/oruxmaps.


Sorry for triple posting the same issue. I hadn't realised that posts were moderated. I thought my postings were failing.

I've been doing more testing. The earlier info below is unfortunately not quite accurate - the "fix" (switching off the ANT+ service in the app and then toggling off and back on bluetooth before switching ANT+ on again in the app) only provides a temporary fix. Within a minute or two the ANT+ connection is again being lost.

I have been testing the phone on its own and in parallel with my PC (using Golden Cheetah). The PC is rock solid and continues when the phone drops. So I had thought this proves no issue with the HRM.

But I am now quite convinced the issue is with my HRM. The reason why I'm not seeing errors on my PC could easily be that the PC is better able to handle problems than the phone. I read last night that my HRM is susceptible to dropouts, I have a Garmin soft strap. I've used it twice a week for 2-3 months and never washed it - which I now read is naughty, I should be washing it every couple of weeks!

I'm going to wash it and re-test. I'll post the outcome here.


Washing the strap has certainly improved matters: oruxmaps is no longer struggling to connect to it. I can switch ANT on and off in orux and as long as I also toggle bluetooth off and on in between, orux consistently reconnects to the HRM. And the connection remains stable. Heaven knows why I'm seeing this bluetooth behaviour but at least (a) I'm ok and (b) orux wasn't the issue.

Thanks again for a great app.