Problems with loading tracks

Started by chittychittybang1983, March 13, 2019, 03:37:20 AM

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Hello everyone. I am very new to Oruxmaps, and I was hoping that somebody could please help me with a little problem! I have created a track/way points etc, and then I go to Clean Route/Waypoint.. I click this and then I have the blank map again. However when I open up the saved track, it comes up with heaps of different colours and numbers. The numbers are in increasing order.. 1 through to 25.  How do I prevent this from happening please? Ideally I would like to open the saved track, and have just the track with none of these numbers etc. Thank you!!



I figure out that numbers are distance from start, and colors are slopes. Blue:descent. Red:ascent, Green: flat.

You can change these options in configuration.


Enviado desde mi SM-J510FN mediante Tapatalk


You can also export the track as a KML and/or GPX file, and load this file as a "simple" overlay (and not an "active route").

Maybe there is a mean to directly load a track as an overlay (without previously exporting it in a KML a/o GPX file), but I don't know how to (even if I'm quite sure it's feasible....)