orux 7.4.22, No waypoint name displayed

Started by peterhu318, November 06, 2019, 07:15:54 AM

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Hi orux,

When I use orux, I found following issues:

1. When I load many route and zoom in / out many times, the waypoints name sometimes don't display. but continue zoom in/out times, they can display again. bug?

2.When many routes loaded and enable a master route , waypoint alarm function is on, sometimes give me a wrong prompt. for example: some waypoint is far about more than 1km, but orux prompt me via sound, and told me 80 meters.

BUT, sometimes it is ok. I don't know what condition it is occur.

3.A question: when I make a waypoint as putting current route( on my front road ), I want to get a voice prompt when I near it, do I need stop "way point alarm" and then start it again?
