Loaded gpx/kml files aren't added to db

Started by billw, August 07, 2015, 12:09:27 AM

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Hi, First of all I love your app!  Very well done, however, I can't figure out how to import tracks...

After creating a gpx file on one device, exporting it and copying to my LG Phone TrackFiles directory, I then load the track and see it on the map with all the waypoints and stats.  The problem is that I don't see how to actually add it to the database.  The tracks are not visible in the view/manage tracks list.  After clicking 'remove' they are truly gone and need to be loaded again from the gpx/kml file.

The released version and beta 6.5.0rc2 both have the same behavior as do both of my devices (LG Phone-android 4.4.2 & Kindle Fire HD).  I've tried loading a gpx file created in OruxMaps (on a different device) as well as loading kml files created in other apps, both appear to load correctly and can be viewed on the map, but will not show in the database (manage tracks/routes).

How can I actually import gpx/kml tracks into the OruxMaps database?

Thanks, Bill


I figured it out since I posted this question and thought I post the answer too.  

It's really easy, its just that the "import" icon looks more like an "upload" icon.

Click Tracks > Manage Tracts/Routes, then click the up arrow at the bottom of the screen and select GPX/KML.


Thanks for that answer
I am a recent user v8.1.10GP and having converted all my TwoNav tracks to gpx was struggling to get them into the database
Was simple but just couldn't see it