Watch dog for the heart rate monitor.

Started by, October 08, 2014, 08:10:18 PM

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When I go biking with my mio link alpha, it works good.

But when I make a stop and leave my bike more than some meters my mobile lost the connection to my mio.

If I come back the connection is not automatically re-established, my phone displays the last value. So I often not recognized that.

There would be a Alarm useful, "beep when hrm is started and no signal since xxx seconds"

Thanks, Thomas

Edit: there is a data field " hrm battery status", it displays always 0

There is a app "hrm ble", this app shows the battery level correctly. So the mio sends this information. Idea, why this is not displayed in Orux?

Edit2: a data field displaying the battery status of my mobile would be great. With the mobile mounted on my bike I can't see the android status line with my old eyes...