Forum only english

Started by rvb, February 25, 2014, 10:04:50 PM

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2 languages in 1 forum is horrible.

is there a possibility that there will come 1 separate english forum?


2 idiomas en 1 foro es horrible.

¿hay alguna posibilidad de que haya llegado 1 foro Inglés separada?


2 idiomas em um fórum é horrível.

há uma possibilidade de que haverá um fórum Inglês separado?


No estas obligado a leer los mensajes que no te interesen, sea por el idioma o por el contenido o por lo que sea. A mi me cuesta entender el ingles y cuando el mensaje me interesa hago un esfuerzo. Gracias a todos los que escriben, lo hagan en el idioma q lo hagan.

Enviado desde mi LG-E460 mediante Tapatalk


I agree, two languages in the same forum are difficult to conciliate.

Sometimes a thread starts in a language and goes on in the other, this is confusing and it's difficult to follow the discussion.

This thread is the perfect meta-example: it started in English, then the OP translated the message in Spanish, probably to bump the thread and improve it's visibility among the Spanish users, then a post only Spanish, followed by mine only in English... It's a mess!

IF I understand the last post correctly: of course we are not forced to read the Spanish threads, but they are mixed with English ones, sometimes the thread has an English title, the first message is in English and Spanish, but the rest of the thread is in Spanish and I cannot understand if what I would say has already been said in a different language.

Nobody is saying that Spanish must be banned from the forum, what has been suggested is a scheme like in the old forum, two different sub-forums for English and Spanish.

PS. you do know what happened to the tower of babel, right?


I'm not sure that I agree. At first it looked weird but then I realized that in the old forum I just ignored the spanish stuff, missing interesting things. But despite not speaking spanish it's sometimes worth checking

Also, not having a fixed language may encourage people from other countries to post.

I can see the problem with a lot of posts, but with the limited traffic around here it's easy to manage. Especially with tapatalk you immediately see the post's language.


It's probably not a big problem for spanish speakers, as most people can at least read a bit of english.

But for those who can't even read spanish (I know only a tiny bit) it is different.

I liked the old forum better, as it prevents threads from changing language. I think nobody is talking about having only english posts, but having two parts as we used to have here:">//


I agree

Estoy de acuerdo, habría que recuperar la estructura de subforos del antiguo foro


Yo veo un problema; la duplicidad de mensajes. Al hacer dos subforos, orux se verá obligado a escribir dos veces lo mismo en muchos de los hilos, ya que podría hablarse del mismo tema en ambos. Al final lo que terminaremos haciendo todos es pegar el enlace del hilo en el que primero se habló el tema.


@alkan: he will have to write it twice anyway, as not everyone can read spanish.


until now, no division

hasta ahora, no hay división



i'm fed up. totally unworkable situation.


I can't resist this...">


En mi opinión, con Internet esto no es un problema. Uno escribe en el idioma que sabe y Google Translate lo traduce. Yo no entiendo inglés, pero traduzco con Google y me hago a la idea. Pienso que es mejor eso que escribir mal en un idioma que no conozco.

In my opinion, with the Internet this is not a problem. You write in the language you know and Google Translate translates. I do not understand English, but with Google translate and I get the idea. I think it's better than bad writing in a language I do not know.

Translated with Google.


i'm fed up with the different languages in one forum.

please make different language forums, like anyone else is doing.