some small improvements (changes)

Started by panda, November 24, 2014, 02:30:17 PM

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Hello Orux,

I'd like to suggest some small improvements and put them into one topic:

1. away from route alarm:

   now the alarm starts at a certain distance and stops at a certain distance (both configurable).

   when you are very slow (uphill mtb), then you get up to 10 "away from route"-alarms - which is annoying, when you are very fast (downhill) you only get one message,

   so I would prefer to have a configurable number of alarms, similar to the waypoint alarm.

2. display route - dashed line:

    the route displayed in the map (set to: dashed line) overlays the ways on the map, so I cannot see, which waytype is behind the route. I suggest to put more space

    between the dashes, so that I can see the underlying waytype.

3. route calculation and map rotation:

   when calculating a route and turn the device so theh map is rotated, om forgets about the route to calculate and I have to start once again. (I guess this is more a bug)

4. route calculation:

    possibility to add more points when route is already calculated. (similar to brouter web client)

5. map orientation: orientation up:

    having this orientation with mtb it works fine during riding, but when I stop the orientation gets "lost".

    It would be nice if om can keep the last map orientation before stopping.

6. background screen black(dark) instead of grey:

    if found out that new map tiles are painted on a grey background.

    I would prefer it in black or at least dark. The reason is: using om during night the grey backgroung is too bright and is blending

   (sometimes om is a bit slow in painting the new tiles and then you first see the grey background screen).



Item 5 I have a similar issue">


For problem 2 the ability to set a transparency for the route could be interesting.


2 you can set transparency in the route colour selection. I also find it helps increasing the route stroke width, but I'd be interested to see if an option for larger gaps improves things or not.


D'oh,  I wonder how come I never noticed it before.  Thanks :-)