Measuring Altitude

Started by Uwe, January 22, 2015, 10:43:31 AM

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Quote from: "Uwe"@ Holton: yes, what you are saying is my understanding as well. My Samsung Note3 has a temperature compensated barometric sensor installed. This setup is compareable to the Garmin-Setup... only the software makes the difference. A rule of thumb is, to multiply the horizontal error by three, to get the altitude error. When I used my Garmin, I always had to calibrate my baromtric Altitude and Garmin developed a algorythmic, which separates the difference caused by weather changes. That worked really good...

@ Orux: the automatic barometer calibrations works for me! Thank you! I would be happy, if you could explain, how does it work. Does it only once at track start a calibration, or is it active during the hole day?



OruxMaps uses the QNH formulas, because usually there is no information on the ambient temperature. There are devices with temperature sensor, but it is always influenced by the temperature of the device itself, or the human body if carried in the pocket. The only temperature sensors currently used by OruxMaps to measure ambience temperature are external sensors ANT +, but not used to measure height using the barometer.

The app uses filters to improve the GPS altitude, considering previous values.

If the automatic barometer calibration is set, the app will recalibrate the altitude each hour, adjusting the heights since the last calibration, proportionally.

One important thing: OruxMaps is NOT a professional application, nor normal android devices are usually devices with sufficient precision, both GPS and other sensors that they use.

Never a normal android phone can replace a Garmin dedicated device, for example. But for walks in the mountains, or as a backup system may be sufficient.
