"Shift" zoom levels upp or down for a WMS map

Started by Holton181, March 30, 2020, 08:45:01 AM

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Sorry for maybe strange headline, but I had problems formulating my problem in a single, short sentence. I hope I will be able to describe it more understandable below.

So, I have a WMS map that for some reason has it's zoom levels "shifted"  a lot compared to other maps. I know zoom levels are dependent on tile size, but compared to other maps with same tile size the zoom is still off.
My main problem is that I want too combine this WMS as an overlay on another map, but getting strange results due to the differences in zoom levels.
What I would like to do is to "push" the WMS map "down" a couple of zoom levels, say the tiles showing in level 10 should appear on level 15 instead. Is this possible?

The two maps I try to combine can be combined some how, since the  combination is the same as here:

The overlay WMS is this:
EPSG 3006

Unfortunately the base map contains a private key, so I don't want to share it here, but it's free of charge to use with a free account:
(unfortunately Swedish only)

Hope I made myself clear, otherwise I'm happy to answer any questions if I can.
Thanks for any help!


Quote from: Holton181 on March 30, 2020, 08:45:01 AM
Sorry for maybe strange headline, but I had problems formulating my problem in a single, short sentence. I hope I will be able to describe it more understandable below.

So, I have a WMS map that for some reason has it's zoom levels "shifted"  a lot compared to other maps. I know zoom levels are dependent on tile size, but compared to other maps with same tile size the zoom is still off.
My main problem is that I want too combine this WMS as an overlay on another map, but getting strange results due to the differences in zoom levels.
What I would like to do is to "push" the WMS map "down" a couple of zoom levels, say the tiles showing in level 10 should appear on level 15 instead. Is this possible?

The two maps I try to combine can be combined some how, since the  combination is the same as here:

The overlay WMS is this:
EPSG 3006

Unfortunately the base map contains a private key, so I don't want to share it here, but it's free of charge to use with a free account:
(unfortunately Swedish only)

Hope I made myself clear, otherwise I'm happy to answer any questions if I can.
Thanks for any help!

Map composition only allows you to work with maps that use the same coordinate systems.

The app cannot reproject the maps, because it is a complex task.

What maps do you want to combine?

What coordinate system have you selected for the maps? If it is the same, there should be no difference in zoom levels.



Hi and thanks for the answer Orux,
Both maps are EPSG 3006 and links are provided in my first post, but I will send you a private message with all info needed to test, including the URL for the base map with my private key in it.