Too much time between 2 points recorded

Started by degavroche, October 24, 2019, 07:19:27 AM

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I have just changed phone form Galaxy S5 to Galaxy S10.

I have reproduced the same settings for OruxMaps (vesion 7.0.2) on both phones

In particular for the GPS sensor I have : Minimum Time= 4 sec, Minimum distance = 20 m and precision = 20 m

However, in the GPX track points are recorder about every 10 or 11 min. See extract below.

What can I do on the Galaxy S10 to record every 4 seconds as it is on the Galaxy S5 ?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

<gpx xmlns="">" xmlns:gpxtpx="">" creator="OruxMaps v.7.0.2" version="1.1" xmlns:xsi="">" xsi:schemaLocation="">">">


<name><![CDATA[2019-10-23 11:55]]></name>

<link href="">">



<time>2019-10-23T09:55:39Z</time><bounds maxlat="46.2209334" maxlon="6.2426577" minlat="46.1890126" minlon="6.1378675"/>



<name><![CDATA[2019-10-23 11:55]]></name>

<desc><![CDATA[<p>Hora Inicio: 10/23/2019 11:55<br/>Hora Fin: 10/23/2019 12:58<br/>Distancia recorrida: 10,2 km (01:02)<br/>Tiempo en movimiento: 00:52<br/>Velocidad media: 9,79 km/h<br/>Vel. en Mov.: 11,77 km/h<br/>Velocidad Máxima: 17,16 km/h<br/>Altura Mínima: 395 m<br/>Altura Máxima: 507 m<br/>Velocidad Ascenso: 52,3 m/h<br/>Velocidad Descenso: -215,2 m/h<br/>Ganancia Altitud: 27 m<br/>Pérdida Altitud: -112 m<br/>Tiempo Ascenso: 00:31<br/>Tiempo Descenso: 00:31<br/></p><hr align="center" width="480" style="height: 2px; width: 517px"/>]]></desc>

<type>Bicicleta Carretera</type>


<om:oruxmapsextensions xmlns:om="">">

<om:ext type="TYPE" subtype="0">8</om:ext>

<om:ext type="DIFFICULTY">0</om:ext>




<trkpt lat="46.2209334" lon="6.1378675">




<trkpt lat="46.2207123" lon="6.1382918">




<trkpt lat="46.2010951" lon="6.1426442">




<trkpt lat="46.1988685" lon="6.1462240">




<trkpt lat="46.1890126" lon="6.1835349">




<trkpt lat="46.1903435" lon="6.2178663">




<trkpt lat="46.1900936" lon="6.2426577">








Setting this way:

Minimum Time= 4 sec

Minimum distance = 0 m

precision = 20 m