Composite maps: Mixing Mapsforge/Openandro with raster map --> Wrong zoom tiles from mapsforge map

Started by Hauke, November 04, 2019, 11:25:15 PM

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Dear all,

I start playing around with creating my own Mapsforge rendering theme to create an overlay for raster maps. I made the first successful steps, and now tried to create a composite map, the base layer being a raster map, and the layer on top an OpenAndro map. Strangely, the vector map loads in the wrong zoom level, causing the ways being offset to the raster map. You can also see the cache tiles from the vector map not alingning. Here's a screenshot:">

The thick, dashed lilac lines are the vector rendering. The raster layer has white or gray ways, with tiny lilac dots on them. The "rainbow" line is a recorded track that I loaded into the map to see if I have a projection problem or so. It aligns well with the raster map, so I suppose the raster map is OK.

When I compare the vector ways in the red circle, it seems to me that this is the bend in the way the track runs along right and below the circle, but at double zoom, and offset. In the red rectangle you can see the vector rendering cache tile offset. Ways just stop at an invisible, horizontal line (the tile border?).

If I load only the OpenAndro map and my rendering theme, it loads just fine and the track aligns with the ways. I I load the raster alone, everything is nice and shiny also. It only seems to be the zoom level mixup in the composite map.

To more illustrate the problem, I loaded the composite map and switched to the Mapsforge standard rendering theme - here's the result clearly showing the tile offset:">

It's OruxMaps v.7.5.7 GP.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

Thanks for Help!
