Automatic refreshing of tiles on set time interval

Started by Holton181, February 13, 2020, 12:53:57 PM

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When dealing with dynamic data like weather, one might like to refresh related tiles on a regular basis depending on how often the provider updates their data.
Therefore I would like to request the possibility to tell Oruxmaps to automatically refresh the tiles on a, by the user, set time interval.
the most simple implementation could be an option in the global settings to refresh all tiles on active map(s), but this would force refreshing of tiles for maps not needing it causing unnecessary/redundant downloads, not desirable for many data plans.
Better, but more complicated, would be to activate and set time intervals individually for each map when creating composite maps (I guess the most useful way of using weather tiles together with a base map). So when using a composite map with dynamic data like weather, the weather tiles will refresh regularly while the base map does not (using the weather map without being part of a composite map might be to complicated to make automaticaly refreshable, individually).
What do you say?
(I had some difficulty to find a good way to express my thoughts, I really hope I made myself sufficiently clear.)
