LiveTracking in MapMyTracks

Started by kbz, October 22, 2013, 04:41:13 PM

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Thank you for the new Beta10 version.

Livetracking on MMT works fine now.

In general I prefer Multitracking of Oruxmaps because

I can see the positions of all my friends at the same time.

But MMT adds some sport data of a single friend which are

sometimes of interest.

Thanks a lot.



For some time now liveupload of the heart rate to mapmytracks

doesn't work properly for me. The same problem with cadence.

When I upload the complete track everything is fine.

Maybe there was a change by mapmytracks?

Or is it only my problem?

I hope Jose will come back and reply.



Quote from: "Uli"For some time now liveupload of the heart rate to mapmytracks

doesn't work properly for me. The same problem with cadence.

When I upload the complete track everything is fine.

Maybe there was a change by mapmytracks?

Or is it only my problem?

I hope Jose will come back and reply.


Hi, Uli;

I will check, but there are no changes in the app after it was added,



Thanks Jose,

with version Orc5 I get the same result:

Live upload is faulty and normal upload is ok.

I have sent you 2 different gpx files.

Maybe you find out what might cause the problem?



Again I've problems uploading livetracks and tracks after

the tour.

At present time I can only upload the tracks with the mapmytracks


Livetracking does work with the mobile mapmytracks app but

not with oruxmaps.

Again the question: is it only my problem?



Quote from: "Uli"Again I've problems uploading livetracks and tracks after

the tour.

At present time I can only upload the tracks with the mapmytracks


Livetracking does work with the mobile mapmytracks app but

not with oruxmaps.

Again the question: is it only my problem?


No no eres el único al que últimamente no le funciona el track en vivo en la pagina mapmytrack, a mi tambien me ha dejado de funcionar, es como si no la información no se dirigiera a la pagina,  ¿Alguien sabe si es que hay que cambiar la url? yo actualmente la tengo en la predeterminada en la aplicacion osea">



thank you. With the help of google I got the translation.

Sorry, I cant answer in Sanish.

So I am not the only one with that problem.

It is a question wether mapmytracks wants to get rid of the API

users and wants to force them to use the mapmytracks app?



Who could translate that for me?


Quote from: "Uli"Who could translate that for me?

Con el traductor de google nos podemos entender perfectamente.

Tienes razón ellos están promocionando su propia app que es un desastre comparada con la maravilla de orux

A lo mejor lo que comento puede sonar a un absurdo, pero yo no lo creo, soy de la opinión que esta app tiene una características inmejorables, que hacen difícil poder seguir avanzando sobre ella le lanzo a orux una pregunta ¿No cree que es momento de que tenga su propia pagina? y no me refiero a un simple foro sino a todo lo demás. Os imagináis que tuviera servicios propios como track en vivo y compartir rutas, y todo ese campo. Otras aplicaciones que no le llegan a la suela del zapato han comenzado por ahí véase por que con esa comencé yo sportypal y ni se le arrima.

De verdad creo que es un tema a reflexionar. Yo no creo que esta maravilla deba ser dependiente de terceros.


This time the translation sounded a bit strange in German.

Anyway - the problem is solved.

After I posted an email to Nick of Mapmytracks it suddenly

worked again.

Livetracking to mapmytracks is ok again for me.



Quote from: "Uli"This time the translation sounded a bit strange in German.

Anyway - the problem is solved.

After I posted an email to Nick of Mapmytracks it suddenly

worked again.

Livetracking to mapmytracks is ok again for me.


Indeed, thanks to your management that works again. We owe you one. a greeting :D  :D  :D