Intrusive alarms when no ANT+ sensor detected

Started by arnaud, August 20, 2015, 03:11:25 PM

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I'm using orux on my good old Xperia Active with ANT+ HRM

I'm facing a very annoying behavior, when I don't wear the HRM, Orux is repeatedly issuing an alarm every 20 seconds saying that ANT+ connection is lost, retrying in 20 seconds.

And then it will retry every 20 second and issue an alarm every 20 second until I stop using Oruxmaps (which I do being fed up)...

What makes it weird is that the alarm is at full volume, regardless the notification sound level (or even when sound is disabled).

When I try to disable ANT+ in the Performance Assistant, then Orux doesn't even start due to a missing ANT+ plugin service.

Would it be possible to make ANT+ under user control and less strict, allowing the user to easily disable it? (It was possible in the past with a menu item in the track list)

And simply disable ANT+ when ANT+ plugin service is not available, nothing more.




I have the same issue. It's impossible to use orux.

I have killed "ANT Radio Service" and  "ANT+ Plugin Service". Alarms stoped, but "ANT sensor Icon" on orux map was slill visible. Alarms returned after start of tracking.


Creo que me ocurre igual que a este compi.

Intentando emparejar un pulsómetro por ANT nada más abro la app se vuelve loco lanzando una alarma cada vez que quiero abrirlo y no me da la opción de hacer nada. Me sale la leyenda:

" Missing Dependency" con un texto que dice que tengo que descargar los plugins de ANT pero, ya los descargué! y acaba en: cancel / Go to store en un bucle donde no puedes salir.

 Tengo alguna solución mejor que descargar la APP y volver a instalarla?
