Location of image cache database

Started by JotM, December 18, 2013, 08:53:04 AM

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In settings (of the OruxMaps Android app) I changed the location for map files from /storage/sdcard0/oruxmaps/mapfiles to /storage/extSdCard/oruxmaps/mapfiles. And although that works fine for the offline maps, OruxMaps continues to put the image cache database for online maps [OruxMapsCacheImages.db & OruxMapsCacheImages.db-journal] in the directory under /storage/sdcard0.

Is there any way I can change that behavior in settings? My phone (a Samsung GT-S7710 running Android 4.1.2) is rather limited in available memory, so anything that can be moved to the external SD-card is very welcome.





As it was said in the above post, I need to be able to change the location of the image cache database, from the internal storage to the external SD, like the way we can change the location of the offline maps (I'm using the v6.0.7 version).

Please provide me a solution to do this.

Thanks a lot!   :)