3D view do not show elevation coherent on various zoom level

Started by LaurentG, September 01, 2020, 09:13:15 PM

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In Global Settings/Maps/3D settings we have to define an "Altitude scale factor" that increase / decrease relief rendition.

But the issue is that to have a "realistic" view, this scale factor has to be set to different value depending on zoom level of the map currently displayed (and only one value can be set...)

Approximately, the value of 0.2 give the most realistic view if map is at zoom level 13,
while 0.27 is better for zoom level 14
0.35 for zoom level 15
and 0.45 for zoom level 16

In other word, for a given "scale factor", 3D viewer exagerates altitudes when zoom level decrease, and conversely reduces them when zoom level increase.

Is it a known bug ? Is there a chance to have the issue fixed ?