Online maps fail to download

Started by VAHiker, November 15, 2020, 11:20:21 PM

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I had been using Oruxmaps today, using Google Earth at level 20 panning to follow a track that I had done. It was working fine until the next tiles came up with the empty circle arrow. I zoomed out, and out, and nothing more came through. I then tried switching to another online map. Nothing. I then tried emptying the image cache. Nothing. I then tried resizing the cache. Nothing. I then stopped Orux, deleted the two image cache files, restarted, and still nothing.

This happened in the middle of a session using Orux. There was not an update, or a change of any settings, making a change to the xml, or anything else. The online maps just stopped working. Offline maps of all types still work fine.  I had edited my xml file to add in the four Google entries at the beginning, but I always do that after an update, and it was working fine.

On my wife's phone, exactly like mine (Moto G5+, Android 8.1.0), on the same connection, and it is working fine, so it is not the connection to the server or anything.

Just on a hunch, I edited the online map sources xml again and deleted the 4 Google sections that I had added. When I restarted Orux it had switched to my last offline source. I switched to the new Google Streets option that you have now, and that displayed! But all the others are still broken. I am guessing that there is something corrupted in my xml file now, but is there any good way to get a fresh one other than uninstalling and reinstalling Orux? I have other older backups of the xml, and I just restored one of those, and then nothing loads again. Have you changed the format and is something new required now?


Today, even though it was not even open, Oruxmaps was running in the background and was using up battery energy at a high rate. I Forced Stop on Orux in Settings and then rebooted the phone. After the reboot I restarted Oruxmaps and now the online maps are working again. Bottom line is that if you see this problem, restart your phone. Don't just leave Oruxmaps running in the background, even if you have closed it, or bad things can happen.

Note that I entered a sister issue today on the battery use.