OpenAndroMaps - direct install to Orux

Started by NorbertK, June 16, 2016, 04:24:32 PM

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@Orux: I've blogged with Christian (developer of OpenAndroMaps) about the "direct download/install" of maps to Orux and he forwarded me to you.

If you start a download, OAM is asking "where the maps should be stored", starts OruxMaps and NOW the download is working in the background. Here comes my question/request:

while downloading you can see the success, but no more info and a text - in german "Antippen, um alle Aufgaben a..." (Tick to stop) But, it doesn't mean "more details", it cancels the download.

Could you change the message, but BETTER give more info about the download while pressing on it?

I have an app running, which "shows a message about it's waiting for connection", but gives the chance to cancel with an extra word, like:  

App is waiting for connection


Hope you understand!?

Thanks and regards, Norbert

Quote from: "NorbertK"
while downloading you can see the success, but no more info and a text - in german "Antippen, um alle Aufgaben a..." (Tick to stop) But, it doesn't mean "more details", it cancels the download.

Could you change the message, but BETTER give more info about the download while pressing on it?

I have an app running, which "shows a message about it's waiting for connection", but gives the chance to cancel with an extra word, like:  
