Brouter and Routeplanning in Orux

Started by NorbertK, June 17, 2016, 11:21:35 AM

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While routing you can switch between GraphHopper and BRouter, where GraphHopper is the default.


1. will it be possible, to configure in Orux, which is the favorite/default routing-app?

    I prefere BRouter, so I need to switch to BRouter (from shown GraphHopper) and afterwards to Bicyle. Tried GraphHopper for Bicycle, but it moved me on a highway!?

2. could you allow all available profiles from BRouter?

   at the moment, there are only some and I'm missing for example fastbike-lowtraffic. (Have edited in BRouter's serviceconfig.dat "bicycle_short tp fastbike-lowtraffic", which was set before as bicycle-fast to fastbike.

So it would be great, to have a mapping-table in Orux!

The available profiles could be found here>">

But you can build your own, which should also be mapped to Orux.

Any idea?


@Orux: would be great to get an answer!

Gesendet von meinem SM-G901F mit Tapatalk


I also think that it would be great if OruxMaps would remember the last setting for "Search route".

For BRouter, you can set which profiles are used in the BRouter app:

- Open BRouter

- select "BRouter App"

- select routing profile which you want to assign (e.g. fastbike-lowtraffic)

- select "Server-Mode"

- now select the shortcut to assing it too, it doesn't matter which name - e.g. assign fastbike-lowtraffic to foot_fast.

When you use "foot" and "fastest" and "BRouter" now in the "Search route" dialogue, fastbike-lowtraffic will be used.

It's probably a limitation of Brouter Server-Mode that only six profiles can be assigned, not of OruxMaps.