Need Faster Map Access - Must Now Unlock Phone First!

Started by Steve_Sr, July 26, 2016, 10:38:47 PM

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Used this app daily for the last 5 weeks to follow a pre-loaded GPS track. A MAJOR annoyance is having to unlock the phone to show the map display and current position. In normal use one only has to briefly open the map to check location and verify that one is still on the correct route. This is *required* usage to extend battery life. Current functionality requires the phone be unlocked each time before the map displays. This is a real pain and distraction!

During this same trip I noticed the Google Maps opens directly to the map display and no phone unlock is required. So this behavior is possible. Can this functionality be put on the list to incorporate into Orux?





It isn't mandatory to lock a device that's carried with you. So just disable the screen lock in Android settings (Quick Settings > Screen lock tile) for the time of the trip and the security request won't appear anymore after re-activating the display.



Thanks! It works. Don't change the app... Change the phone!


There is a reason why people lock phones, turning the feature off for some isn't an option. Steve's suggestion makes a lot of sense.


Quote from: "Maki"There is a reason why people lock phones, turning the feature off for some isn't an option. Steve's suggestion makes a lot of sense.

I know and I didn't suggest a permanent unlock. But I think temporary turning off while using OM is the easiest workaround.

Another way might be the use of the feature "Smart lock" (since Android 5.0 Lollipop). But this only works if you carry your device in your pocket or connect it to a second "Trusted device". Without this, the phone fixed on the handlebar, you will be forced to re-enter your security code.

It is right, the navigation of Google Maps continues to work when the screen turns off and when turning it on again the map view appears without any security requests. I don't know another app which can do this. NAVIGON an offline navigation can only switch to an energy saver mode, which dims the display (similar to the Oruxmaps feature "Screen always on"). When you turn the screen off the security lock will be triggered though the app goes on working in background.

I suppose the reason is that Maps is a system app and therefore is able to use permissions to change system settings that are not granted for an user app. If I'm right then there won't be an easy to handle implementation of Steve's wish as root access would be needed.


Quote from: "nurembergueso"Another way might be the use of the feature "Smart lock" (since Android 5.0 Lollipop). But this only works if you carry your device in your pocket or connect it to a second "Trusted device". Without this, the phone fixed on the handlebar, you will be forced to re-enter your security code.

That's what I'm using now when biking. I put an NFC tag in the phone holder and set it as a trusted device. It kinda works, unfortunately it plays a system notification sound when the tag is recognized every now and then. Quite annoying.

Quote from: "nurembergueso"It is right, the navigation of Google Maps continues to work when the screen turns off and when turning it on again the map view appears without any security requests. I don't know another app which can do this. NAVIGON an offline navigation can only switch to an energy saver mode, which dims the display (similar to the Oruxmaps feature "Screen always on"). When you turn the screen off the security lock will be triggered though the app goes on working in background.

I suppose the reason is that Maps is a system app and therefore is able to use permissions to change system settings that are not granted for an user app. If I'm right then there won't be an easy to handle implementation of Steve's wish as root access would be needed.

I really wish Google Maps could turn the screen off and then on again by itself when needed in order not to burn the screen and drain the battery...

Anyway any app should be able to run on top of the lockscreen, alarm clocks and music players do, for example. If I remember correctly OruxMaps too already does it when using navigation, it can set to wake up when approaching a waypoint and bypass the lockscreen.