can not use swisstopo skitourenguru-maps in orux

Started by Bergfuchs, March 11, 2021, 12:17:54 AM

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since a few days swisstopo maps are available for free. has built some sqlitedb maps from it,
which can be downloaded here:

A website explaining the files, skitourenguru has built the files for osmand:

This is a link to a zip in a google-drive, which holds a zip containing the Swisstopo4Guru_SkiHike_Slope_RM_2021.sqlitedb file:
--- file link has changed!

I downloaded this zip-file, extract it to the maps folder within oruxmaps and refreshed/renewed the maps within oruxmaps...but "nothing happens".
The new map-file cant be found.

What am i doing wrong??? ::)
I am using Oruxmaps v.8.1.6 GP


is somebody in this forum?  :(

I have also tried to change the extension of the map
*.sqlitedb --> *.map
Then i get a warning-message after a refresh of the maps: --> invalid magic byte: SQLite Format 3

Some friends of me use locus and osmand... they can use the map without problems


News here...
in the meanwhile skitourenguru has replied to me in a facebook chat and said that he has renewed the map for orux...
it can be downloaded here:

i will test it...


Ok, i have tested the skitourenguru-maps and they work FINE!!!  ;) :) ;D
Many thanx to the skitourenguru!!!
