Waypoint Label

Started by pmollbrink, April 29, 2021, 12:35:52 PM

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Hi Guys,
How do you label waypoints?

I have searched butcant seem to find any threads

I create waypoints in QGIS as basic distance markers, say every 5k, so i get a bunch of points with the text attributes "5km", "10km" etc

How can I import them into OruxMaps and display them as a waypoint with the text label?

From QGIS i can basically export in any format



Hello PAtrick,

I did a quick try with gpx and kml:

You have to import the kml or gpx file into the oruxmaps database (manage track/routes) and load it to the map as a track. Be sure to activate "show waypoint names" in the waypoint settings. The waypoint names are shown besides the markers.



Ah, that simple  :) Thank you for the swift reply

Now i just need to find out how I tweek the font size

Also it does not show the correct attribut but I guess I just have to work with the export from QGIS  ;D


Hello Patrick,

Font size: global settings - user interface - tracks/routes/lines/... - letter size

The attribute shown is "name". I don't think you can change this behaviour. You have to rename the column in qgis where your km values are stored to name.



Excellent info!

Got it working!
As per the attached screenshot it looks quite all right

Any way of applying a buffer/halo to the text?



Hi Patrick,
the screenshot looks like you imported the route as overlay, didn't you? Try to load it as a track and before you do that, enable global settings - user interface - tracks/routes/lines... - draw distance indicator. This is more flexible than your fixed 5 km waypoints and in the symbols  the distances are more readable.


Ah, you live and you learn, that is a other great festure I did not know about.
I actually loaded the route as a linestring and the "way points" as a point layer.
Didn't know about the dynamic distance lable function
Tried it with just the route, works perfect

Many thanks!
