Creating a track while driving seems to just show a straight line

Started by godzilla_tan, October 14, 2016, 08:53:46 PM

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I am new to Oruxmaps. I tried creating a track while driving and instead of the track points following the roads and turns I made, they just form a straight line. Maybe some settings need to be adjusted for driving?

Appreciate any guidance.





More information. After making a couple track logs this weekend and viewing them in wordpad, I can see that not enough track points are being generated, hence the straight lines connecting them. I was assuming that more track points were being generated. What settings should be changed to allow for more track points to be generated? I am using the Open Andro Maps and set the Elements theme.

Any help would be appreciated.




You can set the min time, and min distance between two track points.

(global settings(right of top, 3 dot icon)/sensors/gps)

0 & 0 setting gives the most detailed track record. (but it needs a biggest memo)