Live elevation profile / ruler enhancement

Started by knusprig, November 05, 2016, 11:23:51 PM

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First of all, thanks for the great app (is there a way to donate without paypal?)! I use OruxMaps on virtually any biking or hiking trip I do for navigation.

When I go on MTB tours I usually follow GPX tracks which works excellent, it really improved my biking experience. The only feature I'm really missing is a more sophisticated way to visualize the elevation profiles which is really important in my opinion. As far as I know the only way to visualize the elevation profile is to go to statistics and generate the graph for the whole track, but usually I struggle figuring out at which point of the elevation profile of the route I am at the moment.

What I would propose is a feature to have the elevation profile of the track next to the map, so that one can easily connect this information. Just like it is done at for example, where I can click on some point in the height profile and see where this point is located in the map. Additionally it would be very helpful that the point where I'm at is highlighted in the elevation profile (or the next point of the route within e.g. 50 m of my current position). As addition it would be nice to see the elevation profile of the track being logged as second line in to compare it to the route.

Somehow connected to this is the issue with the ruler. When I use the ruler tool, I get the distance and the angle to the current position. What I am regularely missing in the mountains is the difference in elevation between my current position and the target. The horizontal distance alone is often dangerously misleading in the mountain areas. :D

Keep up the great work!

Greetings from germany,
