Location of files to meet new standards

Started by Growltiger, May 03, 2022, 10:32:34 PM

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I understand that soon our files should no longer be in the folder:
\oruxmaps (either on the phone or on the SD) as they have been in the past.
I have v8.5.5 GP.

Having looked at the folders on my phone I assume the files in the future will be either on the phone here:
This PC\Galaxy S8+\Phone\Android\data\com.orux.oruxmapsDonate
or on the SD here:
This PC\Galaxy S8+\Card\Android\data\com.orux.oruxmapsDonate

My question is this. If I move all my files now to the new locations (using my computer), will OruxMaps work? Or do we need to wait for a new release designed for the new locations?


my "9.0.0 GP" came yesterday onto my Android 11.

Starting that v9  first time, a dialogue took care about the new location of \Phone\Android\data\com.orux.oruxmapsDonate\files\oruxmaps\

mapfiles, mapstyles, dem, tracklogs, etc. All was copied over to the new location.

My "old" directory \Phone\oruxmaps\* is still filled, i will remove some big files, e.g. offline maps from "mapfiles", or dem files.
But i think will i keep the directory itself and use it as location for "App files backup".



Interesting, thanks.
I have many huge maps and their dem files in my own folders on the SD card, and OruxMaps configured to find them there.
I will need to know where to put them in the future.


in v9, in settings->"App storage" you see then these settings and options like "Migrate to Ext. SD" or "Android 11 data migration".
The "Android 11 data migration" is greyed out for me now, as i did that at first start of v9.


Is there any reason for not having this v9.0 version on my Google Play Store?
The last one is for me the v8.5.5 GP.


Quote from: YvanCB on May 05, 2022, 02:56:42 PM
Is there any reason for not having this v9.0 version on my Google Play Store?
The last one is for me the v8.5.5 GP.

Play store va actualizando las app por lotes de usuarios,no se actualizan todos a la vez,no te preocupes tarde o temprano te llegará la nueva versión