Login to SICAMI only with registered Email Accounts

Started by becool, August 31, 2023, 07:21:32 PM

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I have a login to SICAMI with a normal email address. However, this email address is not listed as an own account in my Android phone, it is also not my Google account.

For the login to SICAMI I can't fill in an email address on my own.

It would be great if that could be changed into a normal user name/password combination.

Best regards,


Hello, I understand that the problem is that in Oruxmaps you can't use the email address with which you access Sicami. There is no solution for that right now.
What we can do from Sicami would be to link all the content you have in Sicami to an email address that you can use in Oruxmaps.
In case you are interested, tell me your Sicami and Oruxmaps email account privately.