Jumping Waypoints

Started by Off-track, July 19, 2017, 03:07:19 AM

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Not sure if it is a bug, but if I long-press on a displayed waypoint, it jumps some arbitrary distance to the NW (with a vibration alert).

If I am displaying the WPT via "Load into active route", which seems to be the new way to "See on map", the changed coordinates are permanent in the waypoint record. This is problematic, as it is easy to accidentally long-press a WPT, and there is no "undo".

If the WPT is in a KML layer, it still jumps, but the changed location is not saved, so the WPT appears in its correct position after overlay remove and reload.

Running OM 7.0.17 on ZTE A462 under stock-standard Marshmallow 6.0.1.


This is normal, it's not a bug !

long-press is a function made to move the waypoint, that's why it moves so as not to be hidden by the finger.

It's verry useful to correct the position of the waypoint

Try to move it to see...!

Of course, this function run only for the tracks in database and not for the KML tracks.


Thanks adilor78! I could not find this anywhere in the manual. At least now I can move the jumping waypoint back where it belongs.

For me, this is another good reason to display waypoints on the map via a kml overlayer rather than using "Load into active route", which seems to have replaced "See on map" from older versions. At least then accidental waypoint moves are not permanent.

It is good to have a way to move waypoints, but moving has such serious consequences that personally I would rather get some warning first - like having the option to move pop up when the waypoint is pressed rather than just having it jump automatically to a new position (which for me happens accidentally, and maybe unnoticed with the current arrangement in OM). From memory, those kinds of safeguards operate in Mapsource / Basecamp.

But with your explanation, I guess it is a feature request.