Upload many tracks to SICAMI

Started by Ebar, July 26, 2023, 04:46:53 PM

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I started to synchronize my new tracks with SICAMI and this works fine. I would like to synchronize also my old tracks so I have them on the web all in one place. I know this is possible one by one (via properties->upload), but I have hundreds of tracks and routes so this is not feasible. I tried to export all tracks and import them into SICAMI as GPX files, which mechanically worked (no error messages) but the tracks were all mixed up in SICAMI (wrong routes, many waypoints, etc..) so I had to delete them again. Is there any other way to import many tracks and routes in one go?


Hi, one need to know if the tracks you import to Sicami are all in one file or if each of the tracks has its own gpx file, the latter is correct.

Assuming that you have 1 gpx file for each track it is possible that due to the limitations of the equipment you use, browser, internet connection and even the SIcami server itself you can not upload all the files at the same time, maybe you could try to do it 10 by 10, 20, and go testing to see where you have the limit.

We will check the reason why no error is shown, we will try to reproduce it.


We have tried to reproduce the problem you indicate but we have not succeeded, it always works correctly.

Can you confirm that you are uploading several gpx files each containing a single path?


I will try increasing numbers of individual files, starting with 10 and tell you the outcome..


It happens already with 2 tracks uploaded at the same time. I made the two tracks public: 1) Track-Vattay-Mar-16-2020-14-54-36 2) Track-Vattay-Mar-16-2020-14-54-36
They have different names, and different dates, but the rest of the information seems identical. A possible reason might be the following: I dumped all the tracks from Oruxmaps in one go so they all have the exact same date and time of modification. Could that confuse the upload ?


Edited one of the track files to change the date but the result is the same. When I upload 2 tracks, the track information is overwritten. If I delete one of the files, the other shows an error when I open it and displays a map of Madrid (presumably the default)


PS: I upload individual files, and if I upload them one by one they are fine. If I select two at the same time, part of the information (including the route, but not the name) is overwritten.


Hello, can you send me by private the two or three gpx files that you have uploaded simultaneously so that I can do the same test as you?

You can send them to info@sicami.com

When I get the same thing we can solve it.

And for future incidences I would appreciate you to use the thread:
which is specific to Sicami, especially because it is the one we look at daily, to see the rest of the oruxmaps forum threads we don't have enough time :-)


Hello, we may have detected what was wrong with you.

Please try again and let us know if it works correctly. If not, please send me an email with what I asked you in the previous post.


Hello, now importing several gpx files works very well
Thanks for the fast resolution of the problem :)
There is one minor problem left: The activity type (Hiking etc..) is shown correctly below the thumbnail (just above the start and finishing time), but its not taken over into the SICAMI type above the map thumbnail (it says Type: ?). I will send you one of the files with this problem ny personal mail.
Best Regards
