Display off = no bluetooth HR and audio messages?

Started by munbe, May 11, 2017, 11:08:05 AM

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i am using oruxmaps 7.0.10 , LG G3 Smartphone with Android 6 with Polar 7 HR Monitor connected by bluetooth LE.

Generally works fine, i can see my heart rate nicely and sound output like "training zone change" works as long as display is on. But when display shuts down seems like the bluetooth connection will stop and no sound output works anymore. When i turn display on the bluetooth connection will reconnect. I am using this while following a route.

Tried to check android settings (background settings, energy settings) but cant solve the problem.

Any ideas?




seems like it is a feature (?) in following route mode. Turning on tracking while following route, or recording a new track -  it works. What is the reason for this? Any comment by the developer?