Map Segments (Topo4u) and Complete OpenSea Map not loading

Started by Wasteldouble, May 21, 2017, 08:15:09 PM

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I am new and could not find an answer to my problems yet on the forum:

I am using the OruxMaps donate version (7.0.10) on an Android 7.1.1 system.

When loading the Topo4U map (different areas of Germany) random segments keep on missing and are not loading.

I cannot get a complete map and I am also unable to download complete maps via selecting an area on the map (I always get the message ">4 segments missing" and the resulting offline map is useless with so many segments missing).

The opensea maps I am also interested in do not load at all...

Thank you very much for your answers, I am really dependent on your help since the app is unusable for me like this.

