GPX file + WPT = ?

Started by kolesar, July 02, 2017, 11:01:56 AM

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this is probably basic function but i am really pissed off because i am not able to use it correctly – could someone please help me.

I have a gpx file (from other server) to which I want to add waypoints and enable 'follow route' and 'wpt voice prompt' (just to avoid watching the screen all the time). I tried all samples from manual but it's not working at all.

Thanks for any help in advance.




these functions works well at me...

but I am using: 1. a "generic"(orux menu: manage tracks/routes schedule) or exported to gpx combined file (track & wp) made by orux

                      2. a symple track gpx file from anywhere (self made with Trackmaker, or Oziexplorer)

yesterday I tried it with import track, and wp from store > did not work...same way as at Yours phone ...

(maybe different the gpx structure?)


today i checked again with separated wp and track files...

1. load a track from gpx, or orig orux list

2. the pop up menu: enabled the "follow route" (the route-, and wp alarm checkbox auto enabled)

3. manage waypoints: i chose the wanted wp(one, or more), and click the bottom left ("to map"?) icon

4. the pop up menu: enabled the "follow route" (the route-, and wp alarm checkbox auto enabled)

My settings:

-android 4.2

-orux 7.0.13.beta5

-wp-, and route alarm: custom signal voice

it work perfecly, gives the voice alarm in setted position (near wp, and far from route too)

sorry the confusing yesterday post


hi kerékjoe,

first of all, thank you for your answers.

i followed your last procedure and somehow it works also on my phone. i am a little bit surprised since this is almost identical procedure as in OM users manual examples. anyway, i made a progression and this is most important.

i have two more questions if you (or anybody else) know the answer:

1) when WP are inserted via 'manage wp' and WP navigation with alarm is enabled, OM started to navigate backwards - from last created WP to first, what is exactly opposite if you add WPs to route from start to finish.

2) how you connect (save) existing (gpx) route with manually added WP in single file? (to avoid step with selecting WP from 'manage WP' menu, which can be very frustrating if there is many WPs)


1) manage waypoints table/bottom right 3 dot/sort/inverse

2)I don't know how can the OM save/connect the extra wp to track.


   You can save the group of wps (e.g. with edited seqence) to gpx (like a track), and open it later.


idea, without testing:

open the track gpx and wps gpx in Trackmaker free, and save it to single gpx...

(have to check, how it works the result in OM - no pc around me)


You can not associate waypoints created on OM, with a KML or GPX file.

If you want to associate waypoints created with OM on a route created with another application (GPX or KML file), you must first import this KML ou GPX route into the OM database.

Then load the route (manage tracks/routes), using the "continue recording the track" option. The waypoints created then will be associated with this route.



Quote from: "adilor78"You can not associate waypoints created on OM, with a KML or GPX file.

If you want to associate waypoints created with OM on a route created with another application (GPX or KML file), you must first import this KML ou GPX route into the OM database.

Then load the route (manage tracks/routes), using the "continue recording the track" option. The waypoints created then will be associated with this route.


works! ... thank you  :D