View-Direction triangle behaviour changed - how do I get it back?

Started by Hauke, August 04, 2024, 10:01:15 PM

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Hi all,
I use the yellow triangle that shows the direction of view, i.e. where the phone points to, based on the internal compass.
Today I realized that two things changed:
  • The triangle now has a colored border, where the border color seems to indicate GPS state and track recording
  • When I pan the map, there's acursor that is connected to the GPS position by a line. In the past, the view direction triangle followed the cursor. Now it sticks to the GPS position.
I'm not sure if this is due to the recent OruxMaps GP update, or if I accidentily changed a setting. I fail to find that setting, or any setting that changes the behaviour of the triangle back to its previous functionality.

With the color border I could live (although admittedly I do not like it), but the triangle not following the curser is really bad.

Please advise how to switch back - thanks!!!


Hello, indeed with the update the use of the tool has changed.
Currently if the GPS is not turned on, the area you are looking at moves with the center of the map, as before.
If the GPS is on, the area you are looking at is anchored to the GPS position.
In my opinion this change optimizes the use of the tool, because with the GPS active, I can move the map following the line where I am looking based on the GPS potion,
Which in my opinion is what is expected of this
Previously it was not possible to move the map having the reference of the area you are living in according to your GPS position
You can currently use the tool with or without GPS, so you have two possibilities.
It's just my opinion.


Hi Tronpo,

thanks for sharing your view!

I guess the best would be if I had the option to choose the behaviour I prefer.

The reason/use case for having the triangle at the cursor is the following: I am hiking, a track is recorded (so no option to switch off GPS), and I see in the far distance a tower. I want to know what tower that is, and start moving my map in the direction of sight. In the past, I had the triangle to make sure I stayed on the line of sight, even when I pan so far away that the GPS position is no longer on screen. Now, with moving the map further and further, chances increase that I diverge from the line of sight, eventually missing the tower on my map. Believe me, it is difficult enough to stay on the line of sight even with the triangle :-)

My suggestion: Let user's choose what they want to have, based on a setting in the preferences, or with a button in the toolbars.


Ok, but that's easier now, you just have to change the triangle by line to where you look, it's designed just for what you're talking about
Settings , visuals ,cursor

Instead of the triangle you have a line to "infinity" that you can follow along the map(36 km :)
Without losing the zoom.


Huh, I like! When changing the zoom level, the line can reach even several 100 km - that should be good enough :-)

Now, the icing on the cake would be if there would be a button I could add to the sidebar menu to toggle triangle and line quickly - for most of the time the triangle is less intrusive.

Thanks for making me aware!


I'm glad it's helpful to you.
I would also like a button, but something wider in its function
I'd like a multiple-choice button where I could turn on disable.
Line where you look

PD : The line you're looking at has long existed in OruxMaps.
Anchored to the GPS position improves its function.

Best regards

The Option


I agree with the request for a button to quickly change between line or triangle, the line is very intrusive.