Issue with hillshading of MapsForge maps

Started by LaurentG, August 09, 2018, 07:08:15 PM

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thank's a lot for new 7.3.2 version, and in particular for the ability to apply Hillshading to any map.

But at this purpose, I have to raise a little bug.

Before this version, it was possible to have hillshading specifically on MapsForge maps, thanks to option

   Global settings/Maps/MapsForge settings/Apply hill shadow

Now, with 7.3.2, if this box (specific for MapsForge) is unchecked, then the new "global" option works fine whatever maps type, including MapsForge maps, but if this box is checked, hillshading is NEVER there in MapsForge maps, whatever the value defined for the new "global" option (which on the other hand continue to correctly drive hillshading of non-MapsForge maps).

Rather than "Apply hill shadows using mapsforge built-in capabilities", real behaviour of this box is actually "Never apply hill shadows to mapsforge maps"  :D




Quote from: LaurentG post_id=14003 time=1533834495 user_id=7848

thank's a lot for new 7.3.2 version, and in particular for the ability to apply Hillshading to any map.

But at this purpose, I have to raise a little bug.

Before this version, it was possible to have hillshading specifically on MapsForge maps, thanks to option

   Global settings/Maps/MapsForge settings/Apply hill shadow

Now, with 7.3.2, if this box (specific for MapsForge) is unchecked, then the new "global" option works fine whatever maps type, including MapsForge maps, but if this box is checked, hillshading is NEVER there in MapsForge maps, whatever the value defined for the new "global" option (which on the other hand continue to correctly drive hillshading of non-MapsForge maps).

Rather than "Apply hill shadows using mapsforge built-in capabilities", real behaviour of this box is actually "Never apply hill shadows to mapsforge maps"  :D




It should work fine.

"Apply hill shadows using mapsforge built-in capabilities" is the priority; if checked only mapsforge library hillshading should be applied.

Maybe a problem with hot changes?

Did you tried reloading that map (load another map, then the mapsforge map).




thank you for answer.

I have a little bit more info about the issue : Actually, there is NO issue if "default Mapsforge theme" is chosen. In such a case, if specific "hillshading" option is selected, hillshading is applied.... and rendering is VERY VERY slow. If only new option is selected, hillshading is also applied, with almost no impact on rendering speed.

And if both option are selected, hillshading is applied, apparently only once (not more "dark" than with only one option selected), but it seems to be, as you mention, the "specific one" which is applied, since huge slowness of rendering.

BUT if Elevate, or Element, Or Tiramisu mapsforge theme is selected (three well known themes promoted on OpenAndroMaps), then behaviour is (and remain after map reload) as mentioned in my initial post.


Quote from: LaurentG post_id=14033 time=1534262001 user_id=7848

thank you for answer.

I have a little bit more info about the issue : Actually, there is NO issue if "default Mapsforge theme" is chosen. In such a case, if specific "hillshading" option is selected, hillshading is applied.... and rendering is VERY VERY slow. If only new option is selected, hillshading is also applied, with almost no impact on rendering speed.

And if both option are selected, hillshading is applied, apparently only once (not more "dark" than with only one option selected), but it seems to be, as you mention, the "specific one" which is applied, since huge slowness of rendering.

BUT if Elevate, or Element, Or Tiramisu mapsforge theme is selected (three well known themes promoted on OpenAndroMaps), then behaviour is (and remain after map reload) as mentioned in my initial post.

OruxMaps caches the shadows tiles, mapsforge maps not.

The theme must support hillshading, I think that the new themes from openandromaps supports that feature, check if you have the last versions,



Yes, I have the very last versions....



as Tobias/eartrumpet explained here:">

his Elevate Theme is not supporting the mapsforge built-in hillshading capabilities.


one thing of your post confuses me a bit.

You say you can activate both mechanisms of hillshading in the settings, at the same time. I also  noticed that after installing 7.3.2 from">

But about 2 days later i saw and installed "7.3.2rev2".

And there i can't activate both hillshading settings together. If i have activated one, and activate the other one, the previously one becomes "unchecked",



Hi Matt,

thank you for explanation coming from Tobias. And since Tiramisu theme (provided by Maki) is based on Elevate, I guess explanation is the same.

And I just installed 7.3.2rev2 (I didn't saw as well) : With this new version, when I set the "mapsforge specific" option, it automatically unsets the new global option (if set before), but NOT vice versa : setting global option DOES NOT unset specific one.

But actually, there no real importance, since I guess I'll never use any more the specific option : new global option is

- easier to set/unset (less deep in menus...)

- and A LOT more efficient in terms of performance.

Once again, thank you Orux for this new hillshading option !




Quote from: LaurentG post_id=14045 time=1534316868 user_id=7848
Hi Matt,

thank you for explanation coming from Tobias. And since Tiramisu theme (provided by Maki) is based on Elevate, I guess explanation is the same.

And I just installed 7.3.2rev2 (I didn't saw as well) : With this new version, when I set the "mapsforge specific" option, it automatically unsets the new global option (if set before), but NOT vice versa : setting global option DOES NOT unset specific one.

But actually, there no real importance, since I guess I'll never use any more the specific option : new global option is

- easier to set/unset (less deep in menus...)

- and A LOT more efficient in terms of performance.

Once again, thank you Orux for this new hillshading option !




you can transform manually a theme hillshading compatible adding the tag:

    <!-- hillshading -->

<hillshading />

but you are right, currently is better the oruxmaps solution.

like in osmarender.xml-->"> ... render.xml">

I will remove the dependency between both settings; it was intended for when both settings only afected to mapsforge maps.
