Saving a track

Started by ottavio, March 30, 2018, 11:48:38 AM

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Good morning

I'm trying the application (V. 7.2.10) on Asus ZenFone 4 with Android 7.1.1

and I can't understand the following problem:

I start to register a track  walking on the field.

At the end I stop the registration and close the gps and application

I export  the track in gpx format

Backed at home I download on the PC the saved gpx track and I find that it has a size of 0 Kb !! therefore unusable. The same if I save as KML, always 0Kb

I go back to Orux,  I save several times the same track, (without finding a logical link), and finally I find that the track has a correct size and it can be used on MapSourece or BaseCamp.

I have also flagged the option "Automatic gpx creation" under "Traks and routes options" but I don't understand  his effect. When the gpx is automatically created?

Can someone tell me where I'm wrong? :oops:

Thank you.



Good morning,

after various tests I have been able to establish that the trace is correctly exported only if at the end of the recording the export is carried out manually and with the GPS still active, otherwise the trace obtained is 0 Kb and therefore unusable.

Regarding the automatic saving at the end of registration, there is no evidence that it works



Solved by v: 7.3.x
