BRouter Integration

Started by Pöhlmann, September 27, 2017, 09:13:54 PM

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The Brouter App integration might be optimized:

  • Direct chosen profile names (brouter has an interface for profile text). I am using several customized profiles for cycling, e.g. Trekking-Fast-dry, Trekking-Fast-wet, Trekking-Smallroads-dry, Trekking-Smallroads-wet, Trekking-Std-dry, Trekking-Std-wet.
    • Reversal of routing points selection. I don't want to enter the same points for the return trip again. Necessary e.g. to  avoid driving on one-way streets in the wrong direction.
    • storage(, editing) and retrieval of a point selection. See also "Permalink"-feature in brouter web. Less urgent.

  • peto2006

    It would be great if Brouter could be used as you describe. With Brouter, OruxMaps is fully functional bike navigation, but profile mapping is confusing for new users.