Audio waypoints

Started by borgofum, March 30, 2019, 10:15:05 PM

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By selecting audio extension when defining a waypoint we can choose a file or start the voice recorder.

In my huawey P20 (android 9, EMUI 9.0.0, model EML-L29) this starts the defauld app to record voice.

The problem is that this default app generates only .amr audio files.

When generating a KMZ file that contains my waypoints and tracks everything is fine and I can import the KMZ file into google earth in my PC.

But google earth accepts .mp3 audio files so I have to covert them from .amr to .mp3.

The question is: when I choose "recorder" while defining a waypoint, how can I start a different audio recorder app in order to record mp3 audio files? :?:

