Speech output: "turn left", "turn right" to follow route

Started by borish, July 26, 2014, 07:57:42 PM

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Oruxmaps should gives speech commands "turn left" and "turn right" in route follow mode on turnpoints. Turnpoints and the direction of turn can be identified by computing the angle between two consecutive route vectors (using the vector dot product).

For example, here I set a waypoint to remind me of the turn.


However, the message "WPT_0000072 39.2 meters" isn't as helpful as a message "turn left in 40 meters" would be.


You can manually change the title of the waypoint to 'turn left'.


It might be handy for some named waypoints to be auto generated as a starter and then remove some over-zealous pointers where the road just turns too sharply and add some where the turn-off has a very slight angle, or some other route marking is required.


Quote from: "goosiebn"You can manually change the title of the waypoint to 'turn left'.

Sure, but isn't software meant to help us by doing stuff automatically? If you navigate though a town it's a lot of work to edit all the turn points. Plus, it shouldn't be too difficult to code this.