Track menu

Started by goosiebn, October 20, 2014, 11:46:09 AM

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When clicking on a record in the Route Database, a menu comes up with a list of actions to perform to the selected Route (edit, share, export, etc).

Would it be helpful to have as many of these menu options as is possible available from the Track menu, say as a sub-menu item called Database Entry, Database Record, Actions, or something similar (best I can come up with off the top of my head), or have a horizontal line break in the menu, then the database actions below that with no particular reference to the database.

The reason this would be useful is because the currently loaded Track is one record in the database; it shouldn't be necessary to go to the database, then select the track from there, when it is already 'selected' as the currently loaded track.  The menu item(s) could be grayed out when there is no currently loaded/recorded track.

This would be different to and less confusing than the recently removed database link from the Tracks menu because that used to be a link to the database, and not to this specific track in the database.


Optionally, I've had some other thoughts:

2) Could the 'Manage tracks/routes' menu item be changed to 'Manage Records' and have 'Database Records' be the name of the screen that opens, not 'Tracks'?  This is because 'tracks/routes' leads me to think there are either 'tracks and routes' to be found, or 'tracks or routes', neither of which is strictly true, because the database doesn't differentiate between the two and it is confusing then to be looking for either some tracks or some routes.

My request, above, could then have it's sub-menu name as 'Database Record' (singular).

If not 'Database Records', then something else, different to 'Tracks' and 'Routes'?

3) Maybe further clarity can be gained by moving the 'Manage Tracks/Routes', or 'Manage Database Records' menu item to the triple-dot menu, so it is not associated with either?  Maybe after that my original request for a Record menu item for the Track can be duplicated to the Route menu so the database record for the primary loaded Route can also be modified?

Then, if the Track and Route menu has a grayed-out Database Record menu item and a user sees the Manage Database Records item in the triple-dot, this might join some mental dots in how to navigate the software?

I get that the word Record is tricky because I'm using it regarding a Database Record and is so very easily mistaken for the act of starting the GPS to start Recording, but that's the best I've got at the moment.  I think I've read 'Path' before as a name for a Database Record, but that just introduces a new term and adds confusion.  Has anyone got a good Thesaurus?