New beta 6.5.4 version

Started by orux, January 26, 2016, 08:21:46 PM

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Quote from: "eartrumpet"Hi Orux,

thanks for the hint about the stylemenu ID.

The">rendertheme documentation uses <stylemenu id="r4menu" defaultvalue="terrain" defaultlang="en">, so I and others just copied that. As the stylemenu id plays no role in the theme itself I left it like that, but of course it makes sense to change it.

I just use different ones now for Elevate and Elements and everything works alright, so for me this is fixed :-)

I don't know about other theme designers who use the same standard ID, but at least it is documented here now.

Best regards,



updated last beta; adding mapsforge 0.6 library, it seems to work quite well,



Quote from: "orux"
updated last beta; adding mapsforge 0.6 library, it seems to work quite well,

Thanks, that was fast. You're right, works excellent at first look. I will test it more thoroughly.

I think some additional setting for changing map language makes sense now, as it seems to be changed only if I change the app language.

It makes a lot of sense if you're for example in a country with a different alphabet than latin (like in the sample map above). Maybe adding it to mapsforge setting or to "Tweak mapsforge theme" (maybe only "Mapsforge tweaks" then).

Best regards,



Hola a todos, he encontrado un comportamiento raro y un poco rebuscado. En el modo apaisado con los controles a la derecha, me salen 8 controles, cuando hago alguna cosa como por ejemplo poner en vertical y otra vez en horizontal el móvil, desaparece un control y solo quedan 7.  He hecho un vídeo pero no me deja adjuntarlo. Bueno espero q se haya entendido.

Saludos cordiales.


Dos fotos del antes y el despues...">">

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola a todos, he encontrado un comportamiento raro y un poco rebuscado. En el modo apaisado con los controles a la derecha, me salen 8 controles, cuando hago alguna cosa como por ejemplo poner en vertical y otra vez en horizontal el móvil, desaparece un control y solo quedan 7.  He hecho un vídeo pero no me deja adjuntarlo. Bueno espero q se haya entendido.

Saludos cordiales.


depende de si está la barra de acciones o la barra de android, cuando se despliega mide el máximo número de controles que caben.

lo miraré,



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola a todos, he encontrado un comportamiento raro y un poco rebuscado. En el modo apaisado con los controles a la derecha, me salen 8 controles, cuando hago alguna cosa como por ejemplo poner en vertical y otra vez en horizontal el móvil, desaparece un control y solo quedan 7.  He hecho un vídeo pero no me deja adjuntarlo. Bueno espero q se haya entendido.

Saludos cordiales.


depende de si está la barra de acciones o la barra de android, cuando se despliega mide el máximo número de controles que caben.

lo miraré,


La barra de acciones la tengo para que se oculte y la de Android también. Lo habrás deducido ya por las fotos. Parece que cuando se tiene que redibujar no encuentra sitio. Para volver a poner 8, me las veo y deseo, no he encontrado una manera que salga siempre. Pero vamos que puedes dar prioridad a otras cosas. Gracias José.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


Two bugs in beta 11/OruxMaps 6.5.5:

- Tweak mapsforge theme doesn't seem to work, I can't change between mapstyles. With Elevate and with standard mapsforge theme.

- When I start OruxMaps, and use maps/map settings, only beginner settings are shown (despite having checked advanced before). When I switch to global settings (without doing anything there), and back to maps/map settings, all options are shown.


Quote from: "eartrumpet"Two bugs in beta 11/OruxMaps 6.5.5:

- Tweak mapsforge theme doesn't seem to work, I can't change between mapstyles. With Elevate and with standard mapsforge theme.

- When I start OruxMaps, and use maps/map settings, only beginner settings are shown (despite having checked advanced before). When I switch to global settings (without doing anything there), and back to maps/map settings, all options are shown.


The first bug is right, as always, just an error detected with the new release :)

The second bug, I can't reproduce it. It works as expected, When 'advanced' settings is checked, maps settings shows all the settings.

It seems that there is a native bug in mapsforge 0.6 libraries, with some versions of android (4.x), may be I have to return to 0.5.



Quote from: "orux"
The second bug, I can't reproduce it. It works as expected, When 'advanced' settings is checked, maps settings shows all the settings.

What's crucial: OruxMaps has to be completely closed (e.g. wiped away via task menu), and maps settings access via maps menu, not via overflow/global settings. Same happens with GPS/Waypoint/Track settings when called via respective shortcuts in the menus, when OruxMaps has been started fresh.

It seems that there is a native bug in mapsforge 0.6 libraries, with some versions of android (4.x), may be I have to return to 0.5.

That's too bad, but no need to hurry with 0.6, better squash all issues.


Quote from: "eartrumpet"
What's crucial: OruxMaps has to be completely closed (e.g. wiped away via task menu), and maps settings access via maps menu, not via overflow/global settings. Same happens with GPS/Waypoint/Track settings when called via respective shortcuts in the menus, when OruxMaps has been started fresh.

I can confirm this second bug.


Quote from: "eartrumpet"
Quote from: "orux"
The second bug, I can't reproduce it. It works as expected, When 'advanced' settings is checked, maps settings shows all the settings.

What's crucial: OruxMaps has to be completely closed (e.g. wiped away via task menu), and maps settings access via maps menu, not via overflow/global settings. Same happens with GPS/Waypoint/Track settings when called via respective shortcuts in the menus, when OruxMaps has been started fresh.

It seems that there is a native bug in mapsforge 0.6 libraries, with some versions of android (4.x), may be I have to return to 0.5.

That's too bad, but no need to hurry with 0.6, better squash all issues.


Here a next version -->">OruxMaps6.5.6.apk

Using the old 0.5.1 library. It should solve the other problems.

A feedback will be welcomed,



Quote from: "orux"
Here a next version -->">OruxMaps6.5.6.apk

At a first quick look everything works now, thanks for the fast fix!

Hola José,  can we have a beta version of 6.5.6? So I don't have to switch all my settings.  And I am sure a next beta coming anyhow....



Quote from: ""Hola José,  can we have a beta version of 6.5.6? So I don't have to switch all my settings.  And I am sure a next beta coming anyhow....




If no news, I will update the google play version this night.




a new beta released, -->">//
