French version translation mistake

Started by epapy, January 04, 2017, 09:22:18 AM

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First it's useful to wish an happy new year to ery one and especially Orux.... :D

I do every year an Oruxmaps presentation in hikers association, then i update my slides.

The  :D suivir error was corrected in Suivre (Congratulations...)

But I would just notice a minor mistake in french version.

The parameter folowing Cap magnetique must be Cap Vrai instead of Azimut vrai.

Thank a lot for this App


Quote from: "epapy"First it's useful to wish an happy new year to ery one and especially Orux.... :D

I do every year an Oruxmaps presentation in hikers association, then i update my slides.

The  :D suivir error was corrected in Suivre (Congratulations...)

But I would just notice a minor mistake in french version.

The parameter folowing Cap magnetique must be Cap Vrai instead of Azimut vrai.

Thank a lot for this App


'Azimut vrai' is used in different places. Is always wrong?



I only notice this mistake in the list of parameters used to configure trip computer

The list looks like this



Azimut vrai vers l'objectif

Azimut magnétique vers l'objectif

VMG : vitesse effective

Cap magnetique

Azimut Vrai





Then the parameter folowing cap magnetique is "cap vrai" instead of "azimut vrai"


In the list of paramaters used to configure Dashboard

Cap vrai follows Cap magnétique but  (donnée par le capteur magnetique) is wrong

it probably must be (donné par le GPS) or (fourni par le GPS) but this point is programming dependant.....


Direction magnétique de la trace in menu

Mode GPS actif

is probably (fourni par le capteur magnétique) instead of (fourni par le GPS)

I suppose all magnétic value are magnetic sensor dependant and true (gégraphical) value are GPS sensor related

Thanks a lot


Quote from: "epapy"I only notice this mistake in the list of parameters used to configure trip computer

The list looks like this



Azimut vrai vers l'objectif

Azimut magnétique vers l'objectif

VMG : vitesse effective

Cap magnetique

Azimut Vrai





Then the parameter folowing cap magnetique is "cap vrai" instead of "azimut vrai"


In the list of paramaters used to configure Dashboard

Cap vrai follows Cap magnétique but  (donnée par le capteur magnetique) is wrong

it probably must be (donné par le GPS) or (fourni par le GPS) but this point is programming dependant.....


Direction magnétique de la trace in menu

Mode GPS actif

is probably (fourni par le capteur magnétique) instead of (fourni par le GPS)

I suppose all magnétic value are magnetic sensor dependant and true (gégraphical) value are GPS sensor related

Thanks a lot


The app calculates the true/magnetic values from sensors/GPS usin +/- declination value at current position.
