Zoom Levels / simple Control Panel for GPX

Started by cupnoodle, February 26, 2014, 09:45:54 AM

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Hi, I like this app very much.

It would really nice for users to add following 2 features for GPX users.

- An On/Off Button for GPX file, like below photo.


- An option for users to choose Points/Tracks display level in GPX

Eg. Displaying under: 2km, 1km, 800m, 500m, 300m, 200m, 120m, 10m, 40m,

That give user higher flexibility for displaying their POIs. Please consider! Thank very much.


Dear Developer,

Another year has passed, and the above features are still missing....Would you consider to at least adding the feature "option for POI zoom level display" first?

Thanks very much!