Large Shapefile (SHP) (AQreseau+)

Started by carbon60, August 28, 2015, 08:18:03 PM

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I've been tearing my hair out trying to get from there to here, so I'm posting in the hope that someone has done this before me.

The Province of Quebec, Canada, now publishes road data in multiple formats as part of the AQreseau+ service:

  • MapInfo (TAB)
    • ESRI (SHP)
    • ESRI (PGDB)
    • ESRI (FGDB)
    • Géomédia (MDB)

    I opened the SHP in QGIS and it is incredibly detailed! It contains forestry roads not found in any other data that I have looked at. So, I want this in my truck. But I have been completely unable to get it to work, short of carrying my laptop with me.

    Not that the SHP file is 1.6 GB...

    Anyone have any ideas as to the simplest way to get that data into OruxMaps?

  • Maki

    Try Tilemill, but I'm not sure with a file of that size...


    Quote from: "Maki"Try Tilemill, but I'm not sure with a file of that size...

    Tillmill will render it all as raster tiles, correct? That is going to be way too large...

    Mapbox Studio should be able to create .mbtiles with vector data, can I use that?


    I don't think oruxmaps supports vector mbtiles. If you want vector look at mapsforge.


    Quote from: "Maki"I don't think oruxmaps supports vector mbtiles. If you want vector look at mapsforge.

    That would explain the lack of success on my part.

    Maps forge seems to need me to convert them to OSM, first, is that correct?

    I'm thinking that a 1.6G Shapefile will turn into a monstrous raster.